2013 Report: campaign « A donation for a cause »


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    The campaign started in October 2013 and more than 30% of the financial objective has been reached and the buy of 39 Port-A-Caths has already been possible. The system allows the patients to tolerate the treatment easier. Here are some main actions and donations:

    • Thanks to our partners who agreed to place donation boxes at their reception, we received 1606 lei for the campaign. For the patients, thanks to:
    1. Hiperdia
    2. ING Bank
    3. Hotel & Restaurant Topaz
    4. Universitatea “Dimitrie Cantemir”
    • The boxes from Reteta and Ropharma pharmacies had been sent back, helping us to reach our objective with 1074 additional lei.
    • With the celebrations of the end of 2013, the association reached a new achievement with 30% of their financial objective, completed by 6275lei. We especially want to thanks the firm ClassShoe for its substantial donation of 5000lei.
    • In December, 12% of our objective has been reached. Indeed, 12 over the 100 of patients were equipped with an implantable chamber.

    The end of 2013 was a period of action for the association and the new campaign, here a list of events and results:

    • The “Charity Art Auction” supported by Doamna T: 3420lei collected.
    • The band Incognito and their live at the Bermudas Pub: 470lei collected.
    • Donation of 1000lei from the Ciuleanu family.
    • Mariana Radvanyi and the staff of the “Children Palace” collected with aerobic sessions 829lei.
    • “Santa Claus is YOU” event at the Revolution Club collected 771lei

    And many other events:

    • Movie Projections: Amintiri din epoca de aur, Hidalgo…
    • The Christmas bazaar at Cluj-Napoca Waldorf high school.
    • B.Braun joined the cause by offering 3 devices for each 10 implantable chambers bought.