The National Congress of Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy


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    The National Congress of Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy

    Medisprof wish to offer to the patients what is best in term of services in the oncological domain, and an ongoing specialization of the medical staff is the priority of the oncology clinics. Therefore, from the 23 to 25 October 2014, two of our colleagues, Dr. Adrian Udrea and Dr. Andrei Ungureanu, have represented the Medisprof clinic during the second National Congress of Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy.

    The event took place in Sinaia (Romania) and has been organized by the Romanian Society of Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology (SRROM). The congress main objective was to highlight the Romanian recorded progress in oncology and the importance of innovative treatment in this domain.

    Our medics’ presentations

    Dr. Udrea has begun with a presentation of the clinical study department in Medisprof, and then carried on the new features in the digestive tumor treatment (“Update on treatment of gastro-entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors”).

    Dr. Ungureanu brought for the participants some news within the melanoma section. The two approached elements were:
    • “B-RAF inhibitors” – The presentation included the last research results regarding to the function of the inhibitors, type B-RAF, in the apparition and forecast of skin cancers. These inhibitors refer to genetically modified proteins for the fight against cancer cells, with important success possibilities.
    • “Satellite Symposium Roche: Zelboraf – the first personalized treatment of patients with melanoma” – Dr. Ungureanu presented to the audience the last products from Roche in the melanoma treatment.
    The neuroendocrine tumors are less frequent in Romania, and in the world. Medisprof is one of the few clinics which had the occasion to treat this oncology infection.

    In the context of the congress in Sinaia, these two clinic representatives of Cluj-Napoca approached this subject and shared their experience during the appearances. The presenstation of Dr. Ungureanu, “Classification and multidisciplinary approach in neuroendocrine tumors”, brought into discussion the latest innovation in diagnostic and endocrine tumors staging, in particular the digestive ones.

    This event was reciprocal learning and an actualization of the knowledge in the oncology domain. In Medisprof, the medical staff participates to national and international events, for being up to date with the latest development in oncology.

    Stay connected with us in order to find more about the other events which will be attended by our representatives.