Renal cancer – prevention and nutrition


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    The renal cancer is a malign infection of the kidney and is caused by a tumor lesion which appears in the organism as a nodule of few millimeters. If it isn’t early diagnosed, the nodule which appeared in the kidney can grow through years, reaching a bigger size.
    The renal cancer is a urological infection with many polymorphic symptomatology.
    The symptomatology of the renal cancer appears just in the moment when the renal tumor reached few centimeters.

    Regarding the risk factors, the prevention of this type of cancer but also the lifestyle you should adopt in order to prevent the renal cancer, we will talk with the Medisprof’s clinic specialists, Dr. Crina Seceac, specialist in oncology and Camelia Moldovan, nutritionist.

    Renal cancer – prevention

    “Obesity is a factor which increase the risk of developing a renal cancer of 20%” Dr. Crina Seceac, specialist in oncology at Medisprof.


    What are the risk factors of the cancer apparition in the kidney?

    1. Smoking is one of the most important factor which doubles the risk of renal cancer, the risk increase of 50% for the men and 20% for the women. Renouncing to smoking reduces considerably this risk.
    2. Obesity is a factor which increase the risk of developing a renal cancer of 20%.
    3. The arterial hypertension.
    4. Certain genetic disorders such as the Von Hippel¬Lindau disease, Birt¬Hogg-Dube syndrome, tuberous sclerosis and family papillary renal cell carcinoma.
    5. Long dialysis in treatment for renal insufficiency.
    6. Is an abdominal ultrasonography sufficient for the kidney cancer detection?

      The abdominal ultrasound can detect the morphologic modification in the kidney and can lead the medic to additional imagery investigations such as computer tomography and laboratory analysis, including urine exams, with the scope of establishing an exact diagnostic.

      A prevention measure for the renal cancer.

      Renouncing to smoking, a weight reduction and a correct treatment of the arterial hypertension are few action which can be useful for the renal cancer prevention.


      Renal cancer – Prevention

      “People with a normal weight should maintain this weight thanks to physical activities and a health alimentary style.” Camelia Moldovan, nutritionist at Medisprof


      A nutrition advice for preventing the renal cancer.

      A modality for preventing the apparition of the renal cancer is to maintain a normal weight in relation with the age, and to make exercises through the days. People with a normal weight should maintain this weight thanks to physical activities and a health alimentary style. In the case of an overweight or obese person, looking for reducing the calories quantity consumed every day and starting physical exercises within your everyday program, as part of a healthier lifestyle.

      The Medisprof’s team encourages you to make a periodic control in order to early detect a potential nodule in the kidney which can threat you life.

      Program a control at the Medisprof’s oncology clinic to the following phone number: 0264-439 270