Redirect 2% for life!


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    The Medisprof Association was created in 2011 and has the principal objective to support cancer patients. Now, you can help us to improve cancer reached people by redirecting 2% of the revenues taxes to the Medisprof Association.

    What represents these 2%?
    Regarding to the Romanian Fiscal Code, taxpayers can dispose of the destination of an amount representing 2% of the revenues taxes, in order to support a non-profitable entity which is established and functions according to laws conditions, cult organizations and also for private bursary.
    Redirecting these 2% doesn’t mean an additional sponsoring or donation, but is percentage of the revenues taxes already paid: an amount which can be attributed by every employee to the entity of his choice.

    How can you redirect these 2%?
    The procedure is simple, which requires the two following steps:
    1. To fill the 230 form – “Request regarding the destination of an amount representing 2% of the annual taxes and deduction of expenses incurred for saving in collective system for housing” – for taxpayers who receive revenues from salaries or pensions.
    2. To drop the form:
    • In one of the campaign related boxes or at Medisprof Association headquarter
    • At the ANAF headquarter of your residence
    • Through postal services, with registered letter


    The form need to be filled with personal data, in majuscule and signed. The specification of the amount isn’t needed; the financial institution will calculate it and will effectuate the transfer in the Association account, in accordance to the laws.
    People who are eligible to the 16% revenues taxes can’t redirect these 2%.

    Limit: 25 May 2015
    The Medisprof clinic, in collaboration with the Medisprof Association, has the mission of giving back the joy of life to cancer patients. After the consultations, we observed a unique common point to the cancer patients: for them, time stops at the moment they know about the diagnostic. The main objective of the Association is to offer cancer patients a chance to have specialized medical information, by creating a full set of educational brochures which will include all the explication concerning every cancer types. The brochures will contain explication regarding the secondary effects of every tumors and psychological advices in order, for the patient, to better control his emotions and fears.
    Redirect right now these 2% of the income tax for educating cancer patients and be with us in the fight for life !