Medisprof was present at the Best of ASCO Open House and to the World Oncology Leaders Reunion


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    The 29 May the Best of ASCO Open House event took place at Chicago, to which participated for the Medisprof Association, Șerban Udrea, Association President, and Dr. Adrian Udrea, Senior Medical Oncologist at Medisprof. Within this event have been discussed aspects such as the ASCO policy, the JCO seminars and educational sessions took place. The full program of the event can be found below:

     Best of ASCO Open House Program

    Best of ASCO Open House

    Picture: Dr. Adrian Udrea and Șerban Udrea, along with Isabelle Lorant-Cabrera, program coordinator for Best of ASCO international

    The World Oncology Leaders Reunion also took place in Chicago, where participated our two representatives, Dr. Adrian Udrea, with Șerban Udrea, for the Medisprof Clinic.

    World Oncology Leaders Reunion

    Picture: Dr. Adrian Udrea along with Charles Balch and Margaret Tempero

    Please remember that within this month, during the 26 and 27 June, the Medisprof Association will organize the first conference under the branding Best of ASCO in Romania, at the Golden Tulip of Cluj-Napoca. Specialist in oncology from the all over the world will be present to this event. Details regarding the conference and the registration can be found here.