Leukemia: nutrition advices for cancer patients.


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    Leukemia is a type of cancer which implies the production of many white blood cells by the bone marrow. These white blood cells keep on multiplying quickly, becoming unusual cells and replacing the normal cells: leukocytes, hematite and blood platelets.
    The nutrition has an important role in every cancer types. Concerning a healthy lifestyle and the leukemia, Camelia Moldovan, nutritionist at the Medisprof clinic, will now talk about it.
    Camelia Moldovan

    1. Is the beetroot is good in leukemia treatment?

    There is always mass-media discussions regarding to the some food or nutrition substances supposed to increase or decrease risk factors of cancer appearance. It is unlikely that the “super-foods” influence directly the apparition of the disease. The “superfood” term, is used for describing food with evident special effects on health. This category also includes beetroots, and is completed by raspberries, broccolis, garlic, green tea and many more. This food needs to be consumed as part of a balanced and healthy diet. An increased consumption of fruits and legumes represent a really good solution in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    sfecla rosie

    The human organism is really complex and it is the same also for cancer, reason why we can’t state on the fact that this food can have a major impact on cancer treatment.
    The best way of preventing the apparition of this disease is based on a range of healthy behaviors on the long term perspective such as renouncing to tobacco and the alcohol consumption, making physical exercises on a regular basis and keeping a normal fat level.

    2. A nutrition advice for preventing leukemia

    The way through which you can prevent leukemia apparition with nutrition is renouncing to tobacco and avoid expositions to toxic substances.
    The Medisprof clinic emphasizes on the implication of the nutrition within the oncology treatment period. In order to get more information concerning the process steps of a nutritional intervention in oncology, we invite you schedule an interview with our clinician nutritionist.

    For appointments to medical consultation in the oncology clinic, Medisprof or for a meeting with one of our specialist in nutrition, you can call the following telephone number: 0264 439 270.
    For any other information, you can contact us to the following email address: office@medisprof.ro
    We are here to help you feeling good.