The freshest information in terms of radiotherapy is coming from Dublin!


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    What is the role of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in the lung cancer treatment? What are the advantages and what are the challenges of this radiotherapy method? These are the questions which Prof. Dr. Aline Mihai will answer through the presentation she will hold the 9th May during the “A multidisciplinary approach of cancer in 2014” conference.


    Prof. Dr. Alina MIHAI has obtained her doctor title in Romania, but she wanted to perfected herself through different programs in France and Canada. During the time she spent as a member of a research team at the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton (Alberta), she developed a technique of tomotherapy regarding to the breast cancer treatment.

    As a consultant oncologist in radiotherapy and research director at the UPMC Beacon Hospital in Dublin (Ireland), Dr. MIHAI also recently contributes academically at the Pittsburgh University where she is professor assistant.

    For us, it is a true honor to welcome her at the event for her experience and her expertise and because she will certainly make a significant contribution at a scientific level.

    We are waiting for it!