Dr. Bojan Zaric – Our special guest from Serbia


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    In parallel with his academic activities at the Medical Faculty of Novi Sad, Serbia, Dr. Bojan ZARIC is a medical oncologist specialized in lung cancer. Within the “A multidisciplinary approach of cancer in 2014” conference, Dr Zaric will present a series of advanced techniques of Bronchoscopy used in pulmonary tumor diagnostic.

    His work of research carried out in the services of centers such as the Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina and Sremska Kamenica Thoracic Oncology Clinic led him to the publication of scientific papers which had an important role in the treatment and diagnosis of lung cancer. In the Annals of Thoracic Medicine, with other colleagues, Assist. Prof. Dr. Bojan Zaric has published his work, named “Detection of premalignant bronchial lesions can be significantly improved by combination of advanced bronchoscopic imaging techniques”, which resulted of a clinical study, conducted on 96 patients.

    During the conference, Dr. Zaric will present the results of his study about advance techniques, used in pulmonary cancer diagnostic, a study published in the fourth volume of the international medical journal, Thoracic Cancer.

    It’s an honor of having with us Dr. Bojan Zaric and we are sure that you will enjoy knowing him. Don’t wait for your inscription and enjoy from our discount.