All you need to know about Medisprof Cancer Center!


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    The development project of Medisprof center began three years ago when a consultant advised our management about the need of expanding the radiotherapy services in Romania. Even if Medisprof had extended the current center by doubling its size, it has been decided to search for land in order to develop an integrated oncology hospital that better meets the patients’ needs.

    By the beginning of 2014, the field had been purchased and the architectural project had begun.

    The new hospital is located in Cluj-Napoca, in the East Exit direction (on MunciiBoulevard). We chose this location for its accessibility by car, public transportation, and also for its intimacy. The purchased field allows the continuous development of facilities and services at the highest quality.

    What is the purpose of opening Medisprof Cancer Center?

    The purpose of this new hospital is to treat as many patients as possible with the support of a team of professionals trained according to the latest international standards. We wanted to keep the familiar layout in the new location and the team of doctors and medical assistants that knows how to meet the needs of patients and their caregivers. Moreover, the primary objective of the new hospital is to provide a complete range of services in an optimal time.

    • What are the services provided by the new hospital?
    • Chemotherapy in daytime hospitalization
    • Radiotherapy
    • Imaging
    •  Laboratory

    During the first year, a high-performance device (Varian’s Linear Accelerator – IMRT technique) will be in use for radiotherapy. In the following year, a new device will be purchased for the oncology treatments. Thanks to obtaining European funding for this project, there are to be purchased imaging devices like Computed Tomography, Mammography equipment and Ultrasound to prevent moving patients from one location to another for investigations.

    What are the facilities offered to patients and their caregivers?

    In addition to medical services, the new hospital provides numerous facilities to patients and caregivers like an open-circuit pharmacy and a pastry shop with a terrace in the inner courtyard of the hospital. The inner courtyard provides direct access from the outside and over 60 parking spaces with easy access to the main entrance for the patients.

    How will the new hospital be structured?

    The ground floor will include a reception, a large waiting room and various functions: consulting rooms, pharmacy, pastry shop, blood collection point etc. On the first floor will be 8 large rooms for chemotherapy equipped with armchairs of 6 or 4 seats. At the lower levels will be the imaging and radiotherapy services. Overall, the new hospital will be able to provide treatments for at least 60 patients a day.

    What are the strengths of the new hospital?

    Medisprof Cancer Center wants to differentiate itself from competitors by providing cancer treatments at affordable prices, following the standards of international practice, with the help of a professional staff. We want to create a friendly and comfortable environment for the patients during the cancer treatments.

    „We started from a principle linked to the right to quality health services for everyone, we added a dream in which we strongly believe and we started to build a new center for patients who trust our services.

    The patient is at the center of our attention, so we look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions!” – Dr. Carolina Udrea, Medisprof General Manager

    The evolution of our project – Medisprof Cancer Center!